Sap Hu Serial Number Table


Sap Hu Serial Number Table

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Remote Client copy issues. Hi,I have performed a remoted client copy of ECP3. ECQ system using. Integration with SAP ERP. If the EWM warehouse number is integrated with an SAP ERP system, the total physical stock of the warehouse number equals. SAPALL Profile and the client copied successfully. After the clientcopy some users are complainting that not all data moved over or thereare some major differences. I know the client copy finished but theusers are saying the client copy is not a exact copy of ECP. Are thereany functional or abap post configuration that needs to happen afterthis remote client copySap Hu Serial Number TableFrom the client copy logs, it seem like allthe tables got copied over. Please advise as this is very critical. I have attached 2 issues reported by users and the client copy log withdetails. I have also attached the data dictionary differences of the 2system ECP and ECQ using SCC9 RFC SYSTEM COMPARISON. There is no direct link. The serial numbers are assigned to the object type in this case HU. The serial number contents is linked to the object type via the tables SERxx. SAP WM Process, Functionality, Scope, Benefits, Advantages, DisadvantageComplete ReferencePart 3 Continuation of Part 1 Part 2. In transaction CS14, we can compare BOMs. But in the initial screen, the primary BOM and secondary BOM are material BOMs by default. Please go to the GotoPrimary. This document is aimed at explaining the basics around the Serial number functionality with specific reference to Discrete ProductionGoods Movements. The base. By using the STechno. Find out more. OK. Sap Hu Serial Number Table' title='Sap Hu Serial Number Table' />Target Client 2. Source Client incl. Auth. 2. 65 Source Client User Master 2. Copy Type Local Copy. Profile SAPALLStatus Successfully Completed. User SAPStart on 0. Last Entry on 0. Statistics for this Run No. Tables 5. Number of Exceptions 1 Deleted Lines 1. Copied Lines 1. ISDFPSCSEXLSTField Missing RemoteIS DFS MMISDFPSMMCSSAPTRANSPException List Overwritten Purchase RequisitionsSAPKGED0. GSAPMPGTFDET1Table Missing RemoteIS MPSAPMPFASTDATAENTRYGENAPPSAPTRANSPIMG Fast Entry in Trading Contract General SettingsSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPSAPMPGTFDET2Table Missing RemoteIS MPSAPMPFASTDATAENTRYGENAPPSAPTRANSPFast Entry in Trading Contract Transfer from Info RecordSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPAD0. 1DLIField Missing RemotePS REVAD0. SAPTRANSPDynamic items DIADPICMIGOSETTable Missing RemoteIS AD MPNADPICSAPTRANSPCustomizing Settings for MIGOSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPADPICMIGOUSRTable Missing RemoteIS AD MPNADPICSAPTRANSPCustomizing Settings for MIGOSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPMPDCDField Missing RemoteIS AD MPDADMPDSAPTRANSPMPD OBSOLETE Counter Data for Maintenance Document ItemsSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPMPDCUSTDATAFLGTable Missing RemoteIS AD MPDADMPDSAPTRANSPCustomising table to store the data container flagSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPMPDCUSTEFFTDOCTable Missing RemoteIS AD MPDADMPDSAPTRANSPCustomising table to store effectivity data for documentsSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPMPDCUSTEFFTTOTable Missing RemoteIS AD MPDADMPDSAPTRANSPCust. SAPK 6. 03. DDINECCDIMPMPDCYCLETable Missing RemoteIS AD MPDADMPDSAPTRANSPMPD Cycle Data for Maintenance Document ItemsSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPMPDEFFECTTable Missing RemoteIS AD MPDADMPDSAPTRANSPMPD effectivity dataSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPMPDITEMTable Missing RemoteIS AD MPDADMPDSAPTRANSPMaintenance Plan ItemsSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPMPDPSDField Missing RemoteIS AD MPDADMPDSAPTRANSPMPD MPD and MP header dataSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPADMPNRBACGRPTable Missing RemoteIS AD MPNADMPNRBADDICSAPTRANSPCheck Groups for APO ATPSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPTMCNVConvertible LocalCA GTF TSBMGSAPTRANSPData on Material Numbers ConversionCRFHField Missing RemotePP BD PRTCFSAPTRANSPCIM production resourcetool master dataCKISField Missing RemoteCO PC PCPCKSAPTRANSPItems Unit CostingItemization Product CostingKALMField Missing RemoteCO PC PCPCKSAPTRANSPCosting Run Costing ObjectsKEKOField Missing RemoteCO PC PCPCKSAPTRANSPProduct Costing Header DataMLCRField Missing RemoteCO PC ACTCKMLSAPTRANSPMaterial Ledger Document Currencies and ValuesVSAFKOCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Order header data for PP ordersVSAFPOCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Order items in PP ordersVSAFVCCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Operation in orderVSAUFKCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Order master dataSAPK 6. DDINSAPAPPLVSFPLTCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Billing schedule DatesVSPLAFCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Planned orderVSRESBCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion ReservationDependent requirementsVSRSADDCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Additional fields for reservationVSVBAKCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Sales document Header dataVSVBAPCNField Missing RemotePS SIMCNVSSAPTRANSPVersion Sales document Item dataRSADDField Missing RemotePS MATCNMATSAPTRANSPAdditional fields for reservationTCNTM0. Field Missing RemotePS ST OPR NETCNNETOPRSAPTRANSPAssignment Components to GroupsAFKOField Missing RemotePP SFCCOSAPTRANSPOrder header data PP ordersAFPOField Missing RemotePP SFCCOSAPTRANSPOrder itemAFVCField Missing RemotePP SFCCOSAPTRANSPOperation within an orderSAPK 6. DDINSAPAPPLAFFWField Missing RemotePP SFC EXE CONCORUSAPTRANSPGoods Movements with Errors from ConfirmationsAFRUField Missing RemotePP SFC EXE CONCORUSAPTRANSPOrder ConfirmationsSAPK 6. DDINSAPAPPLAFRVField Missing RemotePP SFC EXE CONCORUSAPTRANSPConfirmation poolPLPOField Missing RemotePP BD RTGCPSAPTRANSPTask list operationactivitySTPOField Missing RemoteLO MD BOMCSSAPTRANSPBOM itemT4. Field Missing RemoteLO MD BOMCSSAPTRANSPExplosion TypesCJITO0. Table Missing RemoteIS A JITDIJITOUTSAPTRANSPCustomizing Table for Definition of TolerancesSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPCJITO0. TTable Missing RemoteIS A JITDIJITOUTSAPTRANSPText Table to Define the TolerancesSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPJITOCOField Missing RemoteIS A JITDIJITOUTSAPTRANSPCall Components JIT OutboundSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPS2. LGLOBALDATAField Missing RemoteIS A S2. Game Over Dealing With Bullies In The Church. LDIS2. LSAPTRANSPUser specific Save for Global SettingsSAPK 6. DDINECCDIMPLFA1Field Missing RemoteFIFBASCORESAPTRANSPVendor Master General SectionKNKKField Missing RemoteFI AR ARFBDSAPTRANSPCustomer master credit management Control area dataVIMI0. Field Missing RemoteREFVVISAPTRANSPRental unit Master dataVIOB0. Field Missing RemoteREFVVISAPTRANSPBusiness entitiesVIOB0. Field Missing RemoteREFVVISAPTRANSPProperty master dataVIOB0. Field Missing RemoteREFVVISAPTRANSPReal estate building masterVIOB2. Field Missing RemoteREFVVISAPTRANSPRelationship between properties and buildingsVIOB3. Field Missing RemoteREFVVISAPTRANSPRelationship between Real Estate objects and SAP PSPEGTXPTField Missing RemoteIS AD GPDGPDSAPTRANSPPegging Record of intransit stock in cross plant transfersSAPKGES0. GVEKPField Missing RemoteLO HU BFHANDLINGUNITSSAPTRANSPHandling Unit Header TableEQUIField Missing RemotePM EQM EQIEQMSAPTRANSPEquipment master dataSAPK 6. DDINSAPAPPLEQUZField Missing RemotePM EQM EQIEQMSAPTRANSPEquipment time segmentMHIOField Missing RemotePM PRM TLIPRMSAPTRANSPCall Object from Maintenance OrderMHISField Missing RemotePM PRM TLIPRMSAPTRANSPMaintenance plan historyEQBSField Missing RemoteLO MD SNIQSMSAPTRANSPSerial Number Stock SegmentOBJKField Missing RemoteLO MD SNIQSMSAPTRANSPPlant Maintenance Object ListSAPK 6. DDINSAPAPPLSER0. 1Field Missing RemoteLO MD SNIQSMSAPTRANSPDocument Header for Serial Numbers for DeliverySER0. Field Missing RemoteLO MD SNIQSMSAPTRANSPDocument Header for Serial Nos for Maint. Contract SD OrderT3.